Picture it as a caffeine detox for your beans, but without the weird aftertaste or hazardous chemicals.
The Swiss Water Process is the top-tier decaffeination method. It’s all about giving you that smooth decaf goodness with 100% retained flavor and 99% removed caffeine from the beans.
Both regular and decaf have similar antioxidant levels that help reduce rate of all-cause mortality, aging, risk of cancer. [1][2][3]
Stay Hydrated.
Weight Watchers counts decaf coffee as equivalent to 1 water. Decaf coffee specifically is not a diuretic (something that makes you urinate). [15]
Less Acidic. Avoid Stomach Problems.
The lower levels of acidity in decaf mean you're less likely to create stomach problems like heartburn and indigestion. [12][13]
Still Has A Laxative Effect.
Decaf coffee can also have a laxative effect, though not as strong as caffeinated coffee. (Regular coffee’s lax effect was 23% stronger).[14]
Maintain & Lose Weight.
A low caff coffee is a great distraction from snacking. Biologically, the chlorogenic acids cause gradual release of glucose, which reduces production of new fat cells. The high levels of Vitamin B-3 boosts the body’s metabolism. [9][10]
Less or No Caffeine.
All the adverse side effects of regular coffee, higher blood pressure, restlessness, anxiety, or palpitations, are avoided. [7][8]
Stay Sharp For Longer.
The antioxidants in decaf coffee can help reduce decline due to old age, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer's disease. [5][6]
Less Daily Anxiety.
Caffein increases the body's stress hormone (cortisol). [17]
Fall Asleep Faster & Harder.
Sleep is the golden chain that binds our health and body together. Caffeine messes with your ability to fall asleep and your quality of sleep. [4]
Less PMS Symptoms.
When you drink caffeine in the 2nd half of your cycle it’s giving your liver more work to do and leading to PMS symptoms - Mood Changes, Cramps, etc. [11]
Still Increase Alertness.
Decaffeinated coffee has been shown to increase alertness when compared to placebo. [16]
Jitterliss unites all coffee drinkers
Embrace the moments that bring us together with a Decaf and Low Caff Coffee, indistinguishable in taste from your usual brew. Enjoy the full, rich flavor in every shared sip, ensuring no one is left out over a cup of coffee.
0% jitters. 100% taste.
Sorry mushroom drinks and tea advocates, coffee just tastes better.
The highest quality farms and decaf tech means even your coffee snob friends will love it.
Satisfied, calm, alert, hunger suppressed, stable energy with no afternoon crash, improved sleep quality.
Caffeine Spectrum
0 mg to ~63 mg of caffeine per 8 oz of coffee. You choose!
How We Stack Up?
The only low caff focused craft coffee company
Real Talk, Real Customers
Hayley B.
Subject: THE BEST!
By far the best decaf I have ever tried!! It makes an amazing cold brew as well! Will definitely be getting the subscription next!
Susan M.
Subject: Perfect
The flavor is so rich and I’m missing nothing about caffeine! I am truly so much less “jittery”. PERFECT name for my new PERFECT coffee❤️
Jordan J.
Subject: Changed my relationship with coffee
This blend delivers incredible taste—20x better than traditional decaf—and perfect caffeine. I sleep better, feel less anxious, and don’t crave coffee like before.
Julia B.
Subject: As good as Italy
Tried the 1/3 caff espresso. My expectations were not too high given it was decaf. But it was delicious! Best I’ve had since I was in Italy.
Katie K.
Subject: Pick me up w/o impending doom!
I will forever love an afternoon coffee but finally don’t gamble with a “mistake”! This is the perfect amount of pep for the later part of the day that allows for a great long dog walk but doesn’t interfere with sleep! I loved this and can’t wait to try the full decaf for after dinner brews.
Molly L.
Subject: Delicious and quick delivery!
My coffee was delivered just a couple of days after ordering and it tastes great! Takes a second to read and follow the strength/brew instructions but the charts are helpful!
Kelly M.
Subject: Absolutely Delicious!
The flavor is unreal! Best decaf coffee I’ve ever tasted.
We only buy specialty grade coffee and we do not sell regular coffee. We focus all our taste testing on decaf roasts. Our beans always have ~85 Q-Score because of our Cup of Excellence quality farmers. Our beans go through a chemical-free decaffeination and have a "99.9% caffeine removed" guarantee.
How much caffeine is in your decaf?
Virtually none. We have a 99.9%caffeine removed guarantee. You'll find more caffeine in a piece of dark chocolate. What's great is that you can still experience increased alertness according to some studies.
Is your coffee... Paleo, Keto, Kosher friendly?
Yes! Your diets will love the rich antioxidants from debatably the healthiest beverage in the world.
Is your coffee organic?
Basically, but we don't have the official USDA label. Our coffee team does extensive research on each source and farmer. We avoid buying from large farms that use pesticides. Also, typically, organic farmers don’t produce the tastiest coffees and our priority is to optimize for flavor. The best-tasting coffee are usually grown by small farmers who can’t afford the certification costs and grow at high altitudes which makes it tough to transport all the certified organic fertilizers so they do it naturally.
Is your coffee fair trade?
In sourcing the best-tasting coffees we often pay several dollars over commodity prices which far exceed fair trade standards, just without the logo. Getting the best quality beans means working directly with farmers as much as possible. And when we do, we work to ensure our partners are fairly compensated.
Does your coffee have mold in it?
Absolutely not. The specialty grade coffees we buy have zero defects like moldy beans, which occur typically in lower commercial grade coffees.
Does coffee go bad?
The only thing that goes bad about coffee is its taste, but it takes a while. The best way to store coffee for longer periods is by freezing it. Freezing locks in the flavor so your beans stay in the same state as they were a few days after roasting. When you get your order, put two of the bags in the freezer!